T'rhutea Tia

"As the arrow flies, yes I do rely! Surely, you understand, the arrow hath declared, the path to be shared!"

Basic Information

Personal Information
Nicknames: Rhutea, Rhu
Affiliation: Island Talons of the Condor Tribe
Occupation: Archer, Forester
Patron Deity: Azeyma
Orientation: Heterosexual
Marital Status: V'masha Baat (Partner)

Physical Information
Race: Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun
Age: 28
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 148 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde with light highlights
Eye Color: Violet
Skin Color: Beige
Build: Athletic


T'rhutea stands at 5 fulm, 8 ilm even, with a near-constant smile and the looks of someone who lives on the road. Blonde hair hangs just below his jaw, marked with hues of golden highlights woven throughout the thick locks. His ears are much the same, with the blonde fading into a warm brown at the tips, and his violet eyes contrast nicely with his hair. He bears the face markings common among his people under his eyes, and freckles dot his cheeks. His tail is covered with coarse and full hair, and ends with a hairy tuft of brown hair.

His form is firm with lithe muscle and wiry strength, like so many of his Miqo'te kin. His hands and feet are calloused, earned from a youth spent climbing the jungle trees of Eastern La Noscea, practicing archery, and learning his trade. Several scars mark his skin, some from battle and others from his foresting work. Tattoos mark the skin across his upper torso, including his arms, back, and chest, with tribal designs that evoke the jungles of his home and the traditional totemic imagery of his Seeker sept.

He is clothed most often in a comfortable and study ensemble, fit for a life on the road and the dangers that come with it. He wears a black vest with tan trim made of leather from the hides of jungle creatures and a white undershirt. A green scarf is draped across his shoulders, which he wears more for form than function, and is affixed with a brooch bound with a white condor feather. At his waist is a brown belt, clasped with a buckle etched with the image of a soaring condor. Several decorative tribal pendants hang from his belt, along with a leather pouch. The rest of his garb consists of protective goggles, leather gauntlets, simple dark green pants, traveling boots, two simple golden earrings, and a necklace of beads and jewels engraved with tribal designs. Not without a need for protection, his trusted verdantwood bow and quiver of arrows are kept secured to his back.

T'rhutea is a happy sort, taking life in stride and responding to challenges with wit and a smile. His positive attitude is always on display, and its rare for him to display any sort of despondence or negativity. He enjoys song and verse, and is a gifted singer himself, preferring to sing of his adventures and those of his friends. Often interjecting in conversations with humor or a witty comment where it may not be warranted, he can sometimes come across as a bit immature, but he simply wishes to keep everyone in happy spirits, lest the world become a truly somber place.

A firm believer in the important of the natural world, he is a champion of environmentalism and responsible cultivation. He is a devotee of utilizing nature's bounty to benefit civilization, so long as it does not reach the levels of exploitation, and practices what he preaches in his foresting work. Many of his adventures come about from learning of unscrupulous industrialists despoiling nature or cruel poachers hunting in protected lands, and thus using his archery skills to drive them away.

As a Seeker, he has a deep reverence for the traditions of his people. He is a devout follower of Azeyma, which his people view as a fiery guardian of the jungles and its domains. He has a keen survival and hunting instinct, and respects the unique customs of his sept even when far away from them.

RP Hooks

  • T'rhuta is a wandering archer and forester, plying his trade of bow and saw across the varied lands of Hydaelyn. He often works with the enchanted wood of his people, and makes yearly returns to his sept to seek more.

  • He was born in the jungles of Eastern La Noscea, and is an Island Talon - one of the septs of the Condor tribe that makes their home amidst the rainforests. They engage in frequent trade with Limsa Lominsa.

  • He is a highly skilled archer, with an almost preternatural ability for perfect accuracy and precision. He is also adept at utilizing his bow as a melee weapon in close combat.

  • Some know him for his quick wit and knack for prose and song. He is a welcomed companion on adventures, where his words inspire friend and demoralize foe alike.


V'masha Baat

Muse | Romantic Partner

An inquisitive and inventive alchemist from a Vulture sept that dwells in Dravania, V'masha Baat is every bit as passionate for her science as T'rhutea is for his environmentalism. The pair met by happenstance when he came to Ul'dah to trade verdantwood, and she was immediately enthralled with the enchanted wood.

Since then, the two have become close, with her often asking for verdantwood seedlings for her experiments, and he utilizing alchemical solutions in his forestry. Their closeness blossomed into romantic attraction, and they are a flirtatious and sensual pair, with she often the muse for his myriad of songs and wit.


Hello! Thanks for giving my page a look!

I'm almost always up for some RP - especially if my RP tag is on! I'm a pretty friendly player, and T'rhutea is much the same! New friends and contacts are awesome, and don't be afraid to approach me for RP. If you want to RP, but are too shy to initiate, let me know and I'll make it happen.

I enjoy all sorts of RP, but I very much enjoy character-driven stories and establishing long-term bonds with other characters! I'm open to all sorts of contacts - old friends, rivals, family, fellow archers and foresters, and whatever else.

That all said, I'm not a fan of godmoding or harm coming to T'rhutea without my consent, and I'm not so much into random combat. However, if you want to learn some archery techniques from T'rhutea, he'd be happy to show you.